10 HABITS OF A GREAT LEADER . 1. GREAT LEADERS INFLUENCE OTHERS. Leadership is influence, there is no leadership without influence. It is important to know that If you must be a leader you should be able to talk to people. 2. GREAT LEADERS GROW DAILY. A Leader is not someone who knows everything, but someone who knows something everyday They learn something new everyday, a great leader is the one is who ready to go extra mile to add in him one new lessons daily. They exhibit the habit of excellent base on what they've learnt. 3.GREAT LEADERS EXHIBIT DISCIPLINE. Great leaders are set of people who set direction, inspire visions and create something unique. They take you from where you are, to where you ought to be. So as an inspiring leader, you need to come to a point you understand that there is need for discipline. 4. GREAT LEADERS CELEBRATE PEOPLE'S EFFORTS. They are not always thinking of themselves, they recognize efforts they reward efforts and they appreci...