How to identify true love before marriage.
• The major drive for a blissful marriage is to understudy and understand what works and what is not working.
• We must understand wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 24).
• Love is very critical in a relationship; this is because even if other things fall, with love, you can bounce back.
1. Phylio love: This is a type of love that exists between a brother and a sister (Proverbs 8: 3).
2. Storge love: This is a kind of love that one has for a person who gives him/her a sense of protection (provision, protection and a sense of security).
3. Erotic or Eros love: This kind binds a man and his wife. It is romantic or erotic (Genesis 26: 8-9).
4. Agape love: It is God's kind of love without conditions (John 3:16).
True love is discernible: if you confess it, and you don't know it; it means you will miss it.
1. True love helps you to obey and serve God:
- If the person you are in love with is not excited about God's things, you should leave that relationship.
- The serpent you refused to kill in Genesis will come to hunt you in Revelation (Job 36:11).
- It is better to fail in relationships than in marriage.
- Love must be by operation and not merely by confession.
- If the person does not have regard for God, he/she will not have regard for you.
2. True love sees the best in you:
- The person you are in love with must be able to see your core potentials and values; goal congruency is key.
- Any marriage not founded in vision will result in frustration (Song of Solomon 4:7); My sweet love has no spot. She is all correct in appearance and everything.
- Every marriage has a shortfall; it is your duty to polish her up and present her as a perfect angel to the world.
3. True love is never attached to current looks:
- Open your eyes; all that glitters is not gold.
- Look at the eternal inner beauty.
- Looks and attraction are also required but not the ultimate or the mainstay.
4. True love is not determined by sex (2nd Samuel 13:12-15):
- Men are hunters that go on sex drives to satisfy their yearnings, yet may not be in love.
- Marriage is honourable and bed undefiled.
- When a man has sex with a lady, it might not bring about commitment.
- We are in the world; we are not of the world.
- Don't live together when you are not joined in holy matrimony; we have a kingdom culture to project and protect.
- Learn to keep to yourself until you are legitimately married.
5. True love is not selfish:
- Your birthdays must be celebrated.
- Consider your spouse and put her ahead of all you do.
- If you don't fail in your mind, you can never fail in your life.
- You should be able to know one or two relations of your spouse.
6. True love is willing to wait to do the right thing (Hebrews 13:4):
- If he truly loves you, he will wait for you.
- Don't engage in premarital sex to check each other out or test the potency of each other; you must cultivate the needed faith to succeed.
- If it is not faith, it is not faith at all; faith is given to us to conquer problems.
- Don't give what is meant for your spouse to your friend; remember that men are hunters!
7. True love makes Godly sacrifices (Psalms 50:5; John 3:15):
- He/she should be willing to make Godly sacrifices.
- Your spouse should meet you and become better.
- You must draw inspiration from your spouse's success stories and achievements; don't be intimidated by your spouse's success and wins.
- You do not lose your light by lighting another's candlelight.
8. True love builds up your life all around:
- True love should make you better.
- What value has your spouse added to you since marriage?
9. True love does not hide its true identity:
- True love is always proud to identify with you; is not ashamed and does not hide its true identity.
- Say no to a secret relationship; don't engage in a hide-and-seek relationship.
- How can you be in a relationship and nobody knows about it?
10. True love will never make you abandon your purpose:
- Rather, it should amplify it and supply virtue for its capital expression.
- Don't kill the potential of your spouse with your actions or inactions.
- Don't diminish your spouse's vision in marriage.
- Your purpose should meet the purpose of your spouse a marriage relationship.
- If you must be the Esther that must marry a king, you must be queenly in character and capacity delivery.
- There must be synergy in a marriage relationship; for one will chase a thousand and two will chase ten thousand! (Marriage mathematics).
- Calm down; don't be in a haste.
- Don't use westernization excuses to abandon the ancient landmark.
11. True love is sincere:
- Don't marry people who lie; especially foundational lies.
- If they lie about small things; very soon, they will lie about big things.
12. True love gives:
- Any love that is not keen to give, is a faulty kind of love.
- Your spouse is an extension of your personality; so, you must learn to give.
13. True love does not keep records of wrongs (Isaiah 43:25):
- Learn to forgive and forget because true love forgives and forgets.
- Stop counting wrongs because marriage is made for two perfect forgivers.
- Jesus lived as our example and died as our saviour.
- Women can teach your patience naturally; learn to show them understanding.
14. True love always trusts:
- Trust must be the benchmark.
- Don't date someone who does not trust you.
- Everything said must be taken at face value because love is involved.
15. True love accepts Godly counsel:
- Avail yourself of all available counsel from your spiritual parents.
- The multitude of counsel guarantees safety.
Facebook: Bishop Okwudili Eze
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