1. Year 2021 shall be for all Zionites a year of Flourishing, Blossoming and Fruitfulness on every side. The rain of God’s glory shall break every hard and fallow ground and results shall abound. 

2. The Shepherd mantle with the discipleship anointing will be strong on ministers and ministries for a new level of growth in sonship maturity, rights and inheritance in the light.

3. The economic depression in Nigeria shall become unbearable and mass loss of employments from a lot of companies because of their inability to pay workers especially in the banking sector. Let us pray about this. 

4. It shall be a year of great testing of people’s faith and confidence in God and His promises. The systems of this world would collapse and unbelievable happenings will occur but those that hide in God and dwell in His presence shall flourish. 

5. There shall be a rise of restiveness and mass demonstrations amongst Nigerians because of hardship and high cost of living. It would look like every part of Nigeria is boiling at the same time and if the government tries to use force and intimidation to stop them, it would backfire. We pray for the peace of Nigeria. 

6. Nigerian churches and her leaders should get ready for battle. A strong plan to destabilize the churches and send fear into them has been hatched from the powers that be, but the gates of hell shall not prevail. Some church leaders will be arrow heads of target for arrest in 2021. 

7. There is a spirit of mysterious and unexplainable death that is powered from the chambers of hell to create fear and confusion amongst the people. There is a strong plan by the devil to cut down or greatly eradicate the world population through mass death. Believers should wage war against the spirit of mysterious sudden death. 

8. There will be a great resurgence of the spirit of depression and suicide across the globe in an alarming rate; this will cut across the highs and lows, rich and poor, believers and unbelievers. It will involve total breakdown, mental illness and gloom. People should give attention to their “mental health”. The joy of the Lord and Counselling is the way out. 

9. Let us pray against a demonic upsurge of kidnapping of persons and killings, especially the kidnapping of little children. Please let somebody know where you are per time and let parents keep eyes on their children, where they are and know whom they are with. 

10. Severe and unbelievable Judgement is coming on all the troublers and enemies of the purposes of God concerning Nigeria. It shall be very severe and there shall be no hiding place for them because of the bloodshed over the Land and tears of the people over the years. 

11. America should pray strongly against great breakdown of law and order in the nation. I see various mass demonstrations that affected the economy and created confusion. God is about to purge the church in America and deliver them from mamonism and the “pride to be seen and heard” that corrupted their impact. Let them pray against earthquakes and natural disasters that would destroy lives and properties. 

12. 2021 shall be a year of “The Big Break” and divine compensation for a lot of people even in the midst of the global Economic crisis that would be plaguing the earth. A lot of people shall smile and see the fulfilment of their age-long visions and dreams.

13. South Africa should pray seriously against a showdown between the people and the government because of certain laws and policies that were introduced which the people feel was not favourable to them and their businesses. A spiritual shift has began to happen to South African church because God has began to position teaching Prophets and Apostles that are grounded in doctrine and purity to shepherd the next move of God in that Nation. I see congregational migration from the places of “no meat” to the places of “great meat” of the word. The president of South Africa should pray seriously for I see a cobweb of crises all over him. Stringent laws against the churches especially foreign pastors within the country are coming. I see South Africa strengthening bilateral economic relations with China. Many companies would go down in South Africa because of investment fraud and mistakes. I see turbulent seasons for immigrants who do not have genuine papers. I see the government repatriating people out of South Africa especially Africans. 

14. There is going to be great exposure and scandals amongst some of the leading Spiritual leaders that would shake people’s faith. This time it is not the devil but the Holy Spirit purging and exposing them since they have refused to repent; and to save His church from shame and ridicule. 

15. Learn a skill, develop capacity and strategically think outside of the box if you are going to survive economic crises that is looming, this season coming are challenging times. 

16. God is changing the spiritual garment of most of the ministers for a new season of impact in ministry. I see an outpouring of fresh anointing and mega activation of spiritual gifts and graces for new level of manifestation and fruitfulness in ministry.  

17. Supernatural finance in Billions is coming to the church. God is about to raise kingdom financiers with heavy financial blessings for the advancement of the kingdom cause. Those who love the Lord, and are willing to serve him passionately shall be anointed with this oil. The latter rain of wealth is coming to the church. 

18. Let us pray against the sudden departure of two fathers of faith in Nigeria due to sickness related issues. We should pray that the will of God concerning their lives and ministries will prevail. 

19.  I see God saturating the market places with His miracle power for dominion. God is raising believers and leaders and sending them across the 7 mountains of influence to preach Jesus and to establish His kingdom. 

20. This is not a year to be a double-faced believer or a lukewarm believer. God expects total commitment and dedication to things of the kingdom in order to walk in newness of a great realm of impact in destiny. 

21. Africans would begin to rise in places and nations with the mantle of transformational leadership. Old leaders will be laid away, new emerging leaders are coming up and about to take the realms of leadership of their nations in order to align with the last day move of God which Africa would pioneer. Formerly unknown nations in Africa would begin to rise powerfully and become voices amongst the comity of nations. Africa arise and shine for it is your time and season. 

22. 2021 shall be a year of “divine introduction and announcement” for lots of ministers who were unknown. God shall introduce them to divine platforms for their showcasing. The ears and hearts of their generation shall pay attention to what they carry.


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