
Showing posts from January, 2021


 2021 IN PROPHECY... (1) 2021 is going to be a great year, it's going to be a year of exploits and breakthrough despite all hindrances. The year will be better than the outgoing one but with so many discouragements. Refuse to be discouraged, trust in God and keep moving. (2) The coming of Jesus Christ is closer than we all think. The great signs of his coming shall be more noticed this year all over the world than ever. Please prepare for this... (3)  kidnapping and killings from bandits will continue and I see a governor being attacked by these bandits bit he will escape it. (4) I see the release of twins in 2021. So many mothers will have twins this year 2021 (5) Serve God in spirit and in truth this year if you're a Christian, I know what am saying o. Be sincere with God and be open to him else you will be left alone in the day's of adversary. (6) Let's pray against plan crash both in Nigeria and outside Nigeria. I see a terrible plan crash that will kill so much peo...


   *15 PEOPLE YOU MUST PRAY HARD TO MEET IN THIS 2021* (1)The ENCOURAGERS-They give encouraging words when you're feeling discouraged about life. (2)The HAND LIFTERS-These are people whose hands are strong enough to lift you up when  you are weak. (3)The DESTINY HELPERS-They help you realise your dream and to fulfill your destiny. (4)The GIVERS-They give up their time and attention to you in your hours of need. (5)The FRUITFUL RECEIVERS-You need them that when they receive from you,it turns to abundance of blessings and not those that when they receive from you nothing works again for you. (6)The PRAYER CONQUERORS-These folks are different from prayer warriors.They pray for you with their hearts ceaseless until you conquer. (7)The RECOMMENDERS-They are not happy with your condition of life and so will proudly recommend you in quarters where your services,skill or talent will be needed. (8)The CORRECTORS-They don't tell other people about your mistakes,but would correct yo...


 YEAR 2021 IN PROPHECY 1. Year 2021 shall be for all Zionites a year of Flourishing, Blossoming and Fruitfulness on every side. The rain of God’s glory shall break every hard and fallow ground and results shall abound.  2. The Shepherd mantle with the discipleship anointing will be strong on ministers and ministries for a new level of growth in sonship maturity, rights and inheritance in the light. 3. The economic depression in Nigeria shall become unbearable and mass loss of employments from a lot of companies because of their inability to pay workers especially in the banking sector. Let us pray about this.  4. It shall be a year of great testing of people’s faith and confidence in God and His promises. The systems of this world would collapse and unbelievable happenings will occur but those that hide in God and dwell in His presence shall flourish.  5. There shall be a rise of restiveness and mass demonstrations amongst Nigerians because of hardship and high cost ...